Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fear vs. Love

I John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Fear says...
  I shun sinners since God hates sin and one day He will judge them.  You had better clean up before I can love you.

Love says...
  God loves this sinner just as much as he loves me.  Christ died for this person.  Even though their sin is wrong, I am going to go out of my way to show love to this person.

Fear says...
  I know the Bible says to preach the gospel, but I just don't have a bold personality.  What would my neighbors say if I mentioned Jesus?!?  How about I just try to be a nice person and let my life be my witness, I'll leave the preaching to the preachers.

Love says...
  How can I knowingly stand be and watch my neighbors and co-workers go to hell?  I will lovingly mention the work that Christ has done in my life and I won't care about rejection, for I know that I have planted a seed.  I will pray that someone will come along and reap the harvest.

Fear says...
  Don't talk to me about the rapture or end times or the tribulation, that stuff freaks me out!

Love says...
  God loves me and His word says, "I have never seen the righteous forsaken."  (Ps. 37:25)

Fear says...
  I'm going through _____________ (trial, sickness, etc.).  What have I done that God is mad about?  Oh God, forgive me, show me what my sin is.  I know you hate sin and you judge sin.

Love says...
  This hard time is an attack from the devil, because God's Word says that it is the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give me life more abundantly!  This is NOT a punishment from God for a sin in my life, because I have been declared righteous once and for all by the blood of Christ!

Fear says...
  I can't believe that person just treated me the way they did!  I'm not going to take that.  I have a few choice words for them!

Love says...
  I wonder what that person is going through to be acting that way.  Perhaps I can give them a word of encouragement to lift them up.

Fear says...
  I can't invite so and so over because my house isn't as nice as their house.

Love says...
  God does not show partiality, so I won't either.  God looks at the heart, not on the outward appearance.

Fear says...
  I hate the way I look, I'm always afraid of what people are thinking of me, they're probably secretly laughing at me.  I wish I was skinny like so and so.  I wish I had her hair.  I wish my teeth were whiter.

Love says...
  God created me in HIS image and He loves me, it doesn't matter what others think (or what the media tells me I should look like)!

Fear says...
  I've got to look out for #1!

Love says...
  God is first in my life, others are second, and I am third.  God will take care of all my needs, I don't need to worry about it.

This is not something that I am perfect in, but it is something that God is teaching me and I am working on.  The verse above is not saying that you have to become perfect in love in order for your fears to be banished, but rather it is when you perfectly understand God's love for you and others that your fears will be gone!  Do you have fear in your life, do a study of God's love and it will go away!

Fear leads to strife, bitterness, envy, and hatred.  Love brings joy and peace.

For a greater understanding of God's unconditional love, I encourage you to check out Andrew Wommack's sermons, here.

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