Friday, March 20, 2009

Too Funny!

I love reading the Bible to my kids.  First, they have a fresh perspective on things, they haven't had years of man's opinions clouding their thinking.  Second, they come up with good analogies, and third, they often (especially the younger they are) come up with funny comments!

We were reading the story of Noah this morning and got to the verse where God tells Noah to take 7 of every clean animal onto the ark, and 2 of every unclean animal.

My 3 year old daughter said, "That mole in the backyard is dirty!"  (She saw a mole digging in the dirt a couple evenings ago.  To her, that is unclean, digging in the dirt!)  This made me laugh out loud!

Now, question for all you adults.  Why did God tell Noah to bring extra "clean" animals AND how did Noah know the difference between "clean" and "unclean?"  The law wasn't given for, at the very least, 500 more years (it was 400 years from Abraham and Abraham was many years from Noah).


Sally-anne said...

I live in Australia and I really enjoyed reading your blog posts this morning. Thanks for the encouraging words and i enjoy listening to Dr Chuck Missler too! He's one of my favorite Bible Teachers - we hear him via the Vision radio Network here in Australia...Have an awesome day!

Shannon said...


I'm glad you're enjoying reading! Thanks for the feedback.