Saturday, October 10, 2009

God Wants ALL The Glory

Do you remember the story of Gideon and his army? I loved that story as a child. We read that story with a hindsight perspective, but imagine being Gideon and God tells you to cut your army twice, and not by just a few, but significantly! Gideon went from 30,000 men to 300 men. We see that he obeyed, but imagine what he was feeling! (You can read the story in Judges 6 and 7.)

You see God didn’t intend for Gideon’s army to fight hand-to-hand with the Midianites. God wanted all the glory. He caused confusion to come over the enemy and they fought themselves.

Has there ever been a time where you knew you were obeying the voice of the Lord, yet not seeing breakthrough? Perhaps He is leading you down a path where you can’t possibly take any of the glory for yourself, it will be clear to all that the victory was the Lord’s.

If Gideon had gone into battle with his 30,000 men, he could have claimed victory for himself. He could have forgotten that God chose him, called him, instructed him. But with an army of only 300, there was no possible way he could claim any glory for the victory.

I have detailed how my first thought was to solve my health issues myself. After I gave up on that and started following God’s leading, I saw minor improvements, but not full victory. It was frustrating. There were times I knew that I heard from God, but was frustrated that I wasn’t seeing immediate results. Just like Gideon, God led me through steps; it didn’t come all at once. And now looking in hindsight I can see that His purpose was to get all the glory. I changed my diet, I took supplements, I cut back on things that were stressing me out, but those things were only steps. I cannot look at any one single thing that I did and say that was the key. It was only until I received a full (and I say full, because I have had a partial knowledge of this my whole life) revelation of the authority that is mine as a child of God. Only after exercising that authority, did breakthrough and healing come. And that is the beauty, when I exercised my authority, God did the work, He fought the battle, He got the victory, it was so very clear that my part was miniscule in comparison, He gets all the glory! Just as Moses lifted his rod over the Red Sea, I had to do my part, but there is no way I can take any credit. God parted the Red Sea and God healed me.

So, if you are feeling discouragement right now, know that God isn’t done. Keep on trusting, keep on obeying, the breakthrough will come. God knows you better than you know yourself. He wants all the glory and He will lead you down the path that will bring glory to Himself.

1 comment:

Justine said...

So true! Thank you for posting! I definitely have a tendency (that I am getting over) to do it myself. Not good. God already did it. I have my part to play, but as you said, it is miniscule.