Sunday, September 12, 2010

Early in the Morning

I just came across a great blog for women--Girl Talk. I was particularly compelled by this post, on getting up early to have time with the Lord.

I was doing really well with this for a long time. There for a while, I even got up at 5:45 each morning. My days were always more peaceful after making this sacrifice, I seemed to use my time more wisely, my interaction with my children went more smoothly. Times when I fall out of this routine are times that are not so good.

Well, summertime came, with a much-needed break from school, and I fell off the wagon altogether. I have never been a morning person; I can stay up really late, much more easily. So, it was all too easy to fall back into my old habits. Now, I did listen to sermons most every day, so that did help keep me afloat. But I know I need to be doing my own studying.

With the new school year starting, I thought I could schedule in a time for study in the mid-morning, while my son was working on his schoolwork, and my daughter was doing something quietly herself. It hasn't quite worked out that way. That time was being pushed each day to the afternoon and many days, forgotten altogether.

I just need to get back to my early morning habit. The blog post I linked above was a good encouragement to me, with helpful hints on how to make this work. I encourage you to check it out. I'm not legalistic about an early morning routine, but I've come to realize it's what works best for me. It's painful to get up that early, but only at first. The rewards are well worth it. And if some other time of day works best for you, more power to you.

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