Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Do I Obey?

This could also be titled, "What is God's Will For Me?"  But since this is a study I did with my nine-year-old son, I used kid-friendly terms.

Since we finished up our study of God's grace (see here), we had to see what God's Word instructed us to DO.  Because God's grace works together with our faith and we read in James that faith without works is dead.  Works being obedience.  So what do we obey?

::The Ten Commandments  -  Exodus 20:1-17
::Parents  -  Ephesians 6:1
::Be humble  -  James 4:6 & Isaiah 14:12-21  (story to illustrate the effects of pride)
::Be givers and tithers  -  Malachi 3:10-11, Luke 6:38, & II Corinthians 9:7
::Be a hard worker  -  II Thessalonians 3:6-13, Proverbs 10:4-5, & Proverbs 12:24
::Love our neighbors as ourselves  -  Luke 10:25-37, John 13:34-35, & Romans 13:9-10
::Be a servant  -  Phillipians 2:3-8, John 13:1-10, Mark 8:1-10, & Mark 9:33-34
::Preach the gospel  -  Mark 16:15-20 &  II Timothy 3:14-4:5
::And most importantly of all--Love God with all your heart!  -  Deuteronomy 6:5

I covered these over the course of two weeks with my son.  Obviously, this is a list geared toward a child.  You can search the scriptures and find many, many more specifics of God's will for your life.  Specifics about your role as a wife, husband, a single person, parent, employee, boss, how to handle your finances, what God's plan is for you and what His purpose is for all of us as humans, and yes--even what and how to eat!

What is God's will for your life?  Search in His Word and find out!

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