Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Often

I'm going to revisit this issue of getting by on attending church once a week, with no devotional or study time during the week. I know there are a lot of you out there, because I was one of you. For 29 years of my life, I belonged to that club.

I want to make some comparisons for you.

How well would your body do on one meal a week? This is what your soul is getting at church, and during your own study. Is your soul malnourished? Is your soul barely surviving? (John 6:35)

How well would you do in school (say high school, or college) if you went to class just once per week? This is the effort many of us are putting in to learning the things of God. (Proverbs 10:14)

How well would your marriage do if you and your spouse only spent time together one day a week? This is the amount of time a lot of us want God to be content with. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

Your justification is in no way dependent on how much or how often you spend time with God. Your salvation is a free gift from God, it is based on what Christ did for you. Bible study is 1) to feed your soul, 2) a way for you to learn God's ways, the way His kingdom works, and His plan for your life, and 3) the way to be in relationship with God--this is what you were created for.

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